Saturday, 17 November 2018

Photo Charter on MHR

Saturday 3rd November 2018

This was an interesting Guard duty on the Watercress Line for a photographic charter from 1400 to 2200.

Most of the photos are from Tony Storey whose excellent photo site is here.

Stock used was Ivatt 41312 with Bullied coach 4211.

We started and finished at Ropley with the first  few hours operated under line occupation rules and the rest of the evening under signals as the Real Ale Train was also running.

First 3 photos are from the Alresford distant signal heading back to Ropley.

Then back to Ropley for water

my photo

my photo
Then to Wanders curve

Medstead station

Back to Ropley for water

Then to Alresford Station with the addition of Hampshire Unit 1125

And finally finishing up at Ropley.

I hope you enjoyed Tony's photos.