Saturday, 11 August 2012

A day trip to Worthing

Sunday 29th July

Another sunday, another bus rally. This time to the seafront at Worthing. I've missed this rally the last couple of years so it was good to go back. It was also a chance to visit a favourite pub of mine (The Seldon Arms) and visit a new one (The Spyglass for beers from Anchor Springs brewery), plus 2 Wetherspoon pubs.

Todays transport there was Leyland National GNU568N.

We were parked up at the far end of the rally site, so this meant I could take some bus photos as I walked towards the town centre for the pubs.

And then pub time.Walking along the front I got a shot of PCD80R heading back to the rally site.

4 pubs visited including the Seldon Arms. A delightful little free house near the hospital.

Then time for a couple of short trips on PCD80R on the station run.

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