Sunday 3 November 2013

Leyland National to Essex pubs


A train to Chelmsford, and Leyland National VAR899S (Eastern National 1833) to take me around a few country pubs.



Thatchers Arms - Mount Bures:

beer choice

View from the back of the pub

Five Bells - Colne Engaine was planned to be visited but bridge repairs meant we couldn't get a bus to the pub.

Then to Finchingfield

The Fox Inn

Oops, forgot to take interior photos

The Three Tuns

The Red Lion (didn't go in here)

Some more photos taken in Finchingfield village

a former pub in the village:

also seen in the village

The bus, ready to leave Finchingfield

and finally back at Chelmsford station

Thanks to Steve Simister for the invite and driving his National for us.


  1. Pleasure, first full day out 1833 has really had & I thought she performed very well given the circumstances.

  2. She certainly did and had a good driver as well
